Step 1: What's your goal? What do you hope to get? What do you hope to get RID of? Not sure?

Effective Parenting

Grief & Loss (cope with divorce, break up, losing a loved one, assets, pet)

Learning & Performance AT YOUR BEST

Habits e.g. eat, sleep, wake, exercise, cheating, alchohol, smoking

Stress Management Skills

Career Counselling, Set or Change Direction

Reliance on digital device

Learn to manage moods & difficult feelings

Improve ability to focus


Building positive relationships

Finding direction. Setting goal

Get support for recovery

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Therapy or Coaching

1-on-1 Session: Individual
Couple counselling, Family therapy
Specialised Area: We support divorced couple. Person-centred approach. Strength-based approach. Evidence-based approach.

Protecting your Privacy & Confidentiality is our priority and ethical practice.
A safe space to explore & discuss. Free from any judgement & prejudice.
Freedom & Flexibility to focus on certain areas.
Personalised support to tackle issues unique to you or your family.
Making meaningful, and lasting positive changes.

VIP program: 

10 sessions membership fee. Enquire Today

Yearly membership fee. Enquire Today

MMFG Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

For those who work, it’s near impossible to separate life & business. Challenges at work or home often affect how we function personally & professionally. When addressed early + with the right support, MMFG can help your business & employees resume functioning. Even better, we often see improved performance & job/life satisfaction after accessing MMFG EAP.

MMFG EAP often helps people identify and resolve mental health, physical health, marital, family, personal addictions/alcohol, or emotional issues influencing a worker?s job performance — about 2/3 of all cases.


For Workers/Employees:

-Confidential MMFG counselling to individual employee & immediate family members (in some cases)at no

-Self-referral (no doctor’s referral required), access MMFG through zoom, telephone after-hour or face-to-face.

– Be reassured to FAST access to qualified counsellors within 48 hours to address workplace and/or personal issues e.g. sleep problems, break up (separation & divorce), addiction, job performance, promotion, lost of loved ones.

According to the ATO: EAP is a fringe benefit. A fringe benefit is a benefit provided to an employee because that person is an employee of that business. Employers then generally claim an income tax deduction for the cost of providing EAP.

For Employer/Company Owner/Management:

Outsource to MMFG for issues relating to workplace conflict, managing difficult relationships (personal/workplace), team motivation & morale.

– MMFG is a small & lean company, thus we don’t have unnecessary red tapes, procedures & fees like large companies. We are agile, responsive. We have team member qualified in Accounting & Management, not just a bunch of highly qualified counsellors. 

– Get support and resolve challenges in general wellbeing, health, recruitment & retention, workplace effectiveness, productivity, absenteeism, support business changes, or personal life issues (e.g. separation, death of loved ones, substance abuse, alcohol dependency).

– Helps comply with the obligations outlined in the Work Health & Safety Act 2011 i.e. protecting workers against harm to health (including mental health), safety & welfare through the elimination or minimisation of risks arising from work.

-Positive & Healthy Culture: MMFG’s helps your workplaces adopt a more proactive, preventive approach to positive mental health, creating a culture of care. 


Research by Federal Occupational Health: EAP reduced absenteeism 69.2%, increase employee engagement by 2.8%, 24.2% increase in life satisfaction, reduce workplace distress by 10%. Employee Assitance Professional Assoc (Australia) & LifeWorks reported EAP across 28 countries an overall 16% improvement in presenteeism, working while sick, life satisfaction and engagement too.

EAP Add-on:

1. Workplace Wellness Seminar: Tailored to your team e.g. stress management, time management, mindfulness, motivation, leadership, change management & transformation.

2. Employees who have been terminated/retrenched to access MMFG EAP for up to 30 days post termination unless otherwise specified.

3. MMFG WELLNESS ASSESSMENT e.g. stress test, depression, anxiety, general wellbeing, emotional intelligence skills assessment, health risk assessment.

4. Language options: MMFG supports English, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Malay at no extra charge.

5.  Parenting Counselling, Career Counselling, Physical Fitness Advice, Dietary & Nutritional Advice. 

Company owner/Employer may request usage reports, indicating total hours used per quarter. 

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Workshop & Seminar

Stress Management | Crack-Testing


从自我认知开始,有技巧地更好地了解自己,学着“扫描”生理和心理上的压力。然后,学着用健康的方式管控自己的压力。 通过自我调节和舒缓, 才能更好的为家人长期地贡献。

Time Management

Small Group:
Session #1: Introduce key principles. Getting to know trainees (1.5 hours)
Session #2: Examples & Case Study (1.5 hours).
Session #3: Group feedback session. Opportunities for questions/answers. (1.5 hours).

1. For Work Life: $950*
2. For Family Life: Routine Management for Children & Parents $900

Develop effective routines for yourself and your kid(s). Learn more about your kids and yourself, navigate around tricky challenges.

*May be tax-deductible, check with your accountant.

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Seminar: Black Holes

当一颗红超巨星濒临死亡时(就像我们人一样, 踏入了人生的不同阶段,或走进了人生的一个新篇章), 它发展出来的元素会越来越重,而越重的元素也越接近核心,它的核心在自身的重压下坍塌(就像,即使知道我们人生新的篇章美好又精彩,我们也许仍然会感到沉重)。

奇异点 (也就是黑洞的中心部分),包含着一颗星星的破碎残骸。



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Seminar: Spaghettification


这种 ’意大利面效应‘ 是否有时会发生在你身上?

学习如何提升自我认知,并制定 回避“意大利面效应”的方案计划。 在“我的心灵健身房” (MMFG, My Mind Fitness Gym),学员也学会关注怎么不被扭绞成 ‘螺丝状的意面’。

Technique: The Anywhere Door


Mindfulness的一种。Dr Wong 此招除了好玩,通常很有效。贴心地根据你的个人习性,生活难关或卡点打造。


Parents Seminar

Empowering Parents: Help your children Succeed - How to define success? What does science have to offer us? What is helpful and unhelpful for children at different ages?

How to Raise an Independent Child? Important guidelines, evidence-based approach & practical tips!

? Co-Parenting with 18 arms - Mom or dad, enroll with your own partners, or separated couple.

Learn to ?Read the Weather? at Home ? Differentiate the different types of storms, e.g. Thunderstorms (the smallest), Tropical Cyclones (larger), Tornado (damaging).
Read it wrong? Enter at your own risk.

Why Choose MMFG?

  1. Motivational strategy to maximise problem-solving performance using evidence-based approach. 

  2. Analysis to empower you to choose directions that will bring the most fulfillment and returns.

  3. >Expert in Goal-Setting. Career goal, learning goal, performance goal, family goal.

  4. >Walk the talk. Headed by Moureen, MMFG have therapist and coaches with industry experience. Not your average therapists, MMFG understands the corporate environment, struggles and glory of private-public sectors. Moureen have transitioned herself from multinationals, academia  and Senior Leadership Position in public sector roles.
